Rules for Canceling Reservations

  • Cancel 0 to 24 hours before your shift starts: you pay 100%.
  • Cancel 24 to 48 hours before your shift starts: you pay 50%.
  • Cancel 48 hours or more before your shift starts: you pay nothing.

The start time of a shift is considered 10:00 AM for day and combo shifts, and 7:30 PM for night shifts.

You cancel a night shift on November 30. On November 28 at 11:00 PM, you send a WhatsApp message to cancel. The shift on November 30 starts at 7:30 PM. This means you canceled 43 hours and 30 minutes before the shift. You will need to pay 50%.

Please note:

  • Different rules apply if you have a permanent rental contract.
  • If you owe 50% or 100%, but we rent the room to someone else last-minute, you don’t need to pay.