Hourly Rent

Starting from January 1, 2025, we will begin renting out several workspaces to sex workers who do not recruit clients through the window, but who, for instance, have arranged appointments online and only need a safe workspace for a few hours.

We are currently setting up a separate brand for this, complete with its own website. We’re going live on January 1, 2025!

For those wondering why this is so complex: because our properties are designated for "window prostitution," they must be used for that purpose. Renting a workspace without using the window for client recruitment, but instead doing so entirely online, does not align with the current designation of window prostitution. However, after extensive discussions with the municipality, we have now received permission to rent out our workspaces in a limited capacity (a maximum of 4.5 hours per workspace per day) to sex workers who do not recruit clients through the window. This means our workspaces also become appealing for sex workers who currently receive clients at home, visit clients at their homes, or go to hotels.